Red Letter Day!

Today a milestone was achieved: my first novel ‘The Purging’ achieved its 50th sale on Amazon. Having spent over a year writing it, grabbing spare moments in a very busy life, and despairing at the non probability of a publisher being interested, I was delighted to find I could self publish both as a paperback and for kindle.

Of course, being rather naïve at all of this I hadn’t really thought through the publicity side of things. Great excitement when I went on line and discovered my first sale had been made. Moments later my eldest son announced that he’d purchased my book the previous evening – really great of him and typical of the support he always gives (thanks also to the other members of my family who helped proof-read and who also bought copies), but as a budding novelist you long for the frisson of knowing that people you don’t know are reading your work. So, how long before a 100 sales? Who knows, but it’s fun and advertising in the Saffron Screen programme certainly seems to have produced a steady increase in sales.

Beautiful Forevers

A post Christmas family treat is our annual trip to the always excellent National Theatre. This year we saw David Hare’s new play based on Katherine Boo’s book “Behind the Beautiful Forevers.” Set in Annawadi, a squatter settlement on the outskirts of Mumbai airport, the play is a tour de force communicating a world in which life is cheap and the ever optimistic plans of the population are often thwarted by the sad realities of what it is really like to be powerless and poor.

The staging and cast are outstanding, and it’s the first time I’ve ducked in my seat at a theatre in reaction to a jumbo jet flying over my head. I cannot recommend it too highly: it puts life into perspective.

Beautiful North Essex

Taking some photos today to load onto the Chipping Bonhunt website ( I was reminded how fortunate we are to live in this beautiful area. Shame the District Council can’t get its act together to put together a decent local plan.

Happy New Year

It’s been a lively 2014, having finally published my first novel. Thank you to everybody for your comments and feedback (mostly positive!).

Best wishes to everyone for 2015