The home run

Just two days of campaigning left in the General Election and an opportunity to reflect on a campaign that has sadly failed to enhance the stature of politics in our society. But there are some positive notes.

Firstly, it was good to see an endorsement of Nick Clegg in The Times this morning, coupled to an encouragement for voters in his constituency to support him. He has had a pretty torrid time at the hands of the press over the last five years despite the fact that it has been largely thanks to him that we have had a stable and effective government. In coalition you can never get everything you want, but Nick Clegg and the Liberal Democrats have successfully argued for a fairer society and resisted further curbs on our civil liberties.

Secondly, Ed Miliband has withstood the expected right wing onslaught far more effectively than those orchestrating it anticipated. He has made a strong case as to why he deserves to be Prime Minister more than David Cameron.

The disgrace of this campaign has been David Cameron, refusing to say where his welfare cuts will fall and trying to win the election on fear rather than with a positive view as to the future of our country.

The polls continue to show Labour and Conservatives equal with a small rise in Liberal Democrat support and the SNP set to win lots of seats on a very small proportion of the overall vote. Let’s hope people vote for vision and not out of fear.